About Us
The firm of Groser & Groser was established in January 1994 from a desire to provide clients, particularly clients abroad, prompt, efficient and effective assistance in the specialist area of Indian intellectual property. It was felt that in view of the singular nature of Indian intellectual property practice, foreign clients wishing to protect their IP rights in India faced substantial problems in understanding the nature of what was required of them and in receiving accurate dependable advice on the subject. Groser & Groser was conceived as the appropriate means to solve these problems.
The firm is moderate in size but well knit and comprehensive. Its aim is to cater to the intellectual property needs of clients, both foreign and Indian, on an immediate and efficient basis.
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Global Reach
If you need IP protection in India, we are here to help. We also work on behalf of many foreign entities looking to expand into the Indian market.
IP Experts
Our staff are highly experienced and pride themselves in offering professional, yet personalised service to our clients.
Cost Awareness of the world in which we live and work
We are attuned to the fact that most of the clients we work for are cost-conscious. Our firm shares the same sentiments as its clients and will provide realistic cost estimates in advance whenever requested to do so including a review of subject matter claimed.
Client Base
Our client base is a reflection of the quality of the work and service we have offered over the years. This has enabled us to enjoy for several years a substantial client base which numbers among it some of the larger players in industry.
We are fortunate to be able to boast of the services of qualified and experienced patent attorneys. Our patent personnel possess technical expertise that extends to all the major disciplines in the scientific fields. Examples of the areas in which our patent attorneys are proficient are chemistry, biotechnology, electronics, electrical engineering and mechanical engineering as well as other areas of scientific endeavour. An added advantage we possess is that the greater majority of our qualified patent attorneys also possess law degrees.
Our firm has a well-knit and experienced trade mark department which offers assistance in every aspect of trade mark activities from filing to litigation. We pride ourselves on the fact we have been able to adapt our functioning to fit in with the expedited activity of the Indian Trade Marks Registry that has seen applications filed by us proceed to allowance within just months of filing.
Our firm has a vibrant and growing design practice which adds to its intellectual property portfolio. Since by virtue of the law in question a person registered as a patent attorney or possessing a law degree may practice as a design attorney, the availability of a full complement of patent attorneys with law degrees enables our firm to function efficiently with respect to the filing, prosecution and registration of designs.
Our firm is active in the copyright field for the protection of literary, dramatic, artistic and musical works.
Domain Name Protection
The protection of domain names is a relatively recent addition to the field of intellectual property. Our firm has experience in the registration of domain names as well as in the area of prosecution of usurpers of domain names.